


DML FAQ : Body : How can I add a grab handle to my A-pillar?

How can I add a grab handle to my A-pillar?

I added a grab handle last May.

Part No. Description Qty Price
5DX76 LAZAB Grip Handle, Agate  
5DX76 RC3AB Grip Handle, Mist  
5DX76 RK5AB Grip Handle, Tan 1 $6.94
H526 TAZ Plug, Agate  
H526 TC3 Plug, Mist  
H526, TK5 Plug, Tan 1 $4.16
6504 432 Pull Handle, Screw 2 $0.52
6503 910 Pull Handle, Nut 2 $2.56

These numbers are for 1997-98. The prices are what I paid from Tenefly Dodge.

Installation was pretty easy, although inserting the nuts was a trick. I first thought the windshield glass would have to be removed. The nuts go behind the metal pillar that is not accessable directly. What I did was pulled down the corner of the headliner near the A pillar. I tied a thread looped through the nut which has a sleeve on it that protrudes through the hole in the A pillar from the back. I then threaded a piece of stiff electrical wire through the nut. I put a 90 degree radius bend in the end of the wire. I fed the stiff wire down from the hole up by the headliner down to one of the factory drilled holes in the a pillar. I stuck the end of the wire through the hole and then slid the nut down the wire holding the thread so if it fell off the wire for some reason I wouldn't loose the nut. I wiggled the stiff wire around and the sleeve of the nut came through the hole. I then grabbed the sleeve with a pair of needle nose pliers and retracted the stiff wire. I immediately screwed the screw in the end of the nut to protect it from falling out. I epoxied the sleve of the nut to the a pillar and carefully located and drilled the 2 holes in the plastic A pillar cover. When the epoxy dried I removed the screws, installed the cover and screwed the handle on.

Contributed by: Bill Nissley
Last updated: Mon Nov 3 07:25:17 2003